
What are some unusual uses for QR codes? January 05, 2023

QR codes are not ‘just’ quick links to some web pageQR codes are typically used to store and share small amounts of data, such as a website URL or a product serial number. They are also used to connect from physical items, such as...

How To Create Customized QR Codes January 04, 2023

Can QR Codes Be Customized?Savvy users create QR (Quick Response) codes for the short links and other information they want to share online and offline.  Typically, QR codes can include web URLs, plain text, SMS messages, WiFi...

How QR Codes Turn Off-line Website Links into Brand Assets December 23, 2022

QR Codes Are Brand Assets. QR codes (short for Quick Response codes) are a type of barcode that can be read by a smartphone or other device with a camera. They can be used to quickly and easily share information or take users to a...

Why Use Link Shortening? December 23, 2022

Links, links everywhere… Short links, long links, simple links, complex links. We use them all day long, but we also share them all the time with friends, family, customers, colleagues and the world at...

How To Use Short Links To Boost Brand Awareness December 23, 2022

Brand awareness indicates how familiar consumers (both current and future users) are with a particular brand or organization.  A brand awareness campaign is aimed at increasing that awareness favorably amongst the public and to differentiate...