How QR Codes Turn Off-line Website Links into Brand Assets

Now-Click.Me Support
Now-Click.Me Support Published on December 23, 2022

QR Codes Are Brand Assets.

QR codes (short for Quick Response codes) are a type of barcode that can be read by a smartphone or other device with a camera. They can be used to quickly and easily share information or take users to a specific website or online resource.

Scan those small squares of black and white dots and users are instantly transported to interact with menus, events, directions, product details, bios, downloads, surveys and more.  They can link to any address on the internet.

QR codes are the most convenient links ever from physical displays to specific web pages.  They have become integral to the way consumers and customers interact with brands. Their ease of use makes them very popular for customers to quickly look up details, bookmark sites and perform quick, contactless transactions.

How to use QR codes

QR codes can be used just about anywhere:

  • On marketing materials: Include QR codes on marketing materials such as flyers, brochures, business cards, and more. Instead of typing in a web address with a lot of characters and numbers users just scan the QR Code using their phone.  When scanned, these codes take users to a specific landing page or website that provides more information about your brand.


  • On product packaging: Print QR codes on product packaging. When scanned, these codes can take users to a page with more information about the product, customer reviews, or special offers.


  • At events: QR codes can be a useful tool at events such as trade shows or conferences. Use them to provide attendees with more information about your brand and exhibit or to direct them to a specific mobile webpage or social media account.


  • In email signatures: Include a QR code in your email signature that links to your website, bio or social media account. This can help to build corporate or personal brand awareness and make it easier for people to connect online.

By using QR codes in these and other ways, you can help to increase the visibility of your brand and make it easier for people to learn more about your products or services.

How to benefit from QR codes

That’s all well and good for customers.

However, the true power of QR codes lies in the benefits marketers get from them.

  • Increased brand awareness: QR codes can be used to create a more cohesive brand experience and increase brand awareness. For example, QR codes do not need to be in black and white – they can use any contrasting colors, and even use a gradient between them.  You can also incorporate the brand logo into the center of the QR code to make the association very clear and boost trustworthiness.


  • Improved tracking and analytics: QR codes can be used to track customer behavior and gather data on customer preferences and interests. The tracking provided for QR codes is as detailed as those for short codes.  QR codes can track campaigns, geographic data, time scanned, and the type of phone people are using. Each piece of trackable data can be used to measure campaign success.  This is very useful for businesses looking to understand their customers better and make informed decisions about marketing and product development.


  • Enhanced customer engagement: QR codes can be used to create interactive and engaging experiences for customers. For example, a business could use a QR code to provide customers with access to exclusive deals or discounts, or allow customers to view menus, make reservations. This increased convenience for customers smooths the path to more transactions.


  • Reduced costs: QR codes can be an effective and cost-effective way for businesses to share additional and supplementary information with customers, as they do not require the use of physical materials, such as flyers or brochures. This can include product manuals, FAQs, how-to guides, links to upgrades or accessories, etc. QR codes can lead pages where users can read the details, or they may link to downloads of many file types including documents, images, video clips, etc.

QR Codes Are Everywhere

QR Codes don’t belong to a specific niche or industry, they are everywhere and by everyone. Businesses big and small have realized how popular, convenient and powerful these little images are and are using them to great advantage.

Modern technology incorporates QR code readers and scanners as default functionality.  Whether it’s a smartphone or an iPad, most mobile devices come equipped with a preinstalled QR code reader/scanner.  If not, then they are easy to download and install.

Consumers will engage more with brands that use QR codes to link them from the physical world to their on-line assets and offers.

Let QR codes turn your off-line website links into Brand Assets.

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